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Mike Interviews Daniel.
Imagine waking up one day and you don't where to go, you don't know who you are, and you don't know who you want to become. Sadly, that's a common occurrence for many men and women all over the world. In this book, you will learn how Daniel was able to look in the mirror and find a way out of that dark place. It begins with the willingness to play the long game. Most people are looking for shortcuts and cheat codes to get from A to B. However, that's not the case for those who build a sustainable and purpose-driven life. If you love what you do, you shouldn't want to be fast to obtain. You should want to love the journey. That's what this book will show you how to do. Life is a series of games. If you want to keep playing, then you can win.
Daniel Comparetto is a military veteran turned entrepreneur. The transition from public service to the private sector was more difficult than he could have imagined. Much like many other military vets, his identity was now different. He had to figure out a way to own his new life as he did so well back when he was a Marine.
Today, Daniel runs one of Florida's leading garage organization and storage companies and he coaches other entrepreneurs on how to build a life they are proud of from the ground up!
Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.
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