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Mike Fallat New Podcast

#020 - Tanner Boatwright (Still Standing)

August 13, 20231 min read

Mike Interviews Tanner.

This book is the philosophy every amputee can follow to restore freedom and independence. This is not an easy road. You must make a nonnegotiable commitment to a new zero options mentality for the rest of your life.

  • You will be the only one to hold yourself accountable.

  • You will be the only one to do the work.

  • You will struggle.

  • You will fall.

  • You will become strong.

And in the end… YOU will become the hero of your own story! And it all starts with your attitude.

Tanner Boatwright is a man who turned a tragic event into a lifelong mission. After losing his leg in a hunting accident, Tanner went through many trials and tribulations. It was only after his personal development journey began that he could see the strength and lessons he obtained from darker days. Now, he helps amputees all over the world get their life back mentally, physically, and financially.

Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

Mike Fallat

mike fallatdreamstartersmillion dollar book agencytanner boatwrightstill standingamputee
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Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency

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